Thursday, July 3, 2008

Our Growing Garden!!

Here is our garden now (well, two weeks ago)!!

As you can see it is really growing.

This is our tomato and cucumber bed. We have a yellow pear tomato, a Mr. Stripey, and two cherry tomatoes. Isaac and I started the cucumber and cherry tomatoes from seed, and gave away the extras to some friends. It was really fun and now we are both anxiously waiting our first tomato! When we pick a cucumber it disapears as soon as we cut get it washed and sliced. Even the kids know homegrown is better!

This bed has our Peter Pan squash, flowers, onions, leeks, and bush(oops, pole) beans. It has become clear that we have had another plant label mix up from the nursery. We bought 16 bush beans and 6 pole beans, then we planted and trellised accordingly. When our bush beans sent out shoots and our pole beans just grew into squat little plants, we knew there was a problem.
Brian improvised by putting a trellis on both sides of the clump of (now pole)beans, and they are doing well!

This is our zucchini and pepper bed. We have six different peppers and two zucchini. I have been cutting the leaves off the zucchini to keep them from shading the peppers. This has made the zucchini plants look lopsided, but they are still producing more than we can eat!


This is my favorite! Well, I suppose tomatoes are a really close second. We pick them when they are about 3-4 inches long, skewer them, and grill them with olive oil, salt & pepper. YUM!

Peter Pan Squash, this is Brian's favorite! It is new to us, but is delicious. We roast it whole on the BBQ then slice it, and eat it with olive oil, salt & pepper!

1 comment:

Eve said...

That squash is amazing!!!
What does it taste like??