Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CHICKENS...Then & Now!


Dolly, doesn't she look rediculus!


Aunt Bea

Dahlia... two pictures, one pose!

Thelma Lou


Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Chicks New Home!

Elise and I worked together to build a lid for the chicks new home.
It is very important that the chicks can't fly out and that the cat can't get in.
We both decided that we hate working with hardware cloth!
Here is a view of the new, roomier chick home!
It is reddish because of the glow from the heat lamp.We bought a small wading pool at the goodwill,
which will help keep the pine shavings contained!
Then, there is a roll of corrugated cardboard as the walls of the enclosure.
And topping it all off is the lid we made!
The new home is in the garage, which is also Brian's office!
He does not seem to mind the chirping, it is really cute!
The chicks will eat right out of our hands!
Here they are eating Kale that we chopped up very fine!

I thought this was a cute picture of the chicks around their food dispenser.
So, the time came to clip the chicks wings!
Elise helped to hold them, and I did the cutting.
Charlotte was very patient as we clipped her wings.
Only one wing is clipped to cause the birds to become off balance, making flight more difficult.

Elise kept a feather from each chick and made this picture!

Isaac is holding Dolly!
We think she is a frizzle chicken,
which makes her look like she is having a bad hair day...everyday!
Elise is holding Shelby!

Camille is holding Thelma Lou.
We think she may also be a frizzle, we are waiting to see what she looks like when she has more feathers. Thelma Lou is the smallest chick, but is certainly not at the bottom of the pecking order!