Friday, September 10, 2010

Radical Adventure!!

A radical adventure with Jesus!
ad-ven-ture n. 1. A hazardous or uncertain undertaking. 2. An unusual or exciting experience. 3. Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences: the love of adventure.
Although I like the second definition better than the first, nowhere does the American Heritage College Dictionary mention Christianity. I think another definition should be:
4. The life of one who follows Jesus as His disciple.
I think the best adventure anyone can have is to follow Christ with radical abandon wherever HE chooses to lead you! This is the goal of my life and that of my family .
A radical adventure with Jesus!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Brian and Kenya!

It has been a long time since I have had much to say on the blog. It has been a long summer, mostly uneventful, except for Brian's second trip to Kenya. He had an awesome, life-changing time serving in Kenya. The kids and I are proud to support him as he seeks to follow God's calling in his life! So, what new adventures lie ahead for the Keslers?
We aren't sure, but feel that our involvement in Kenya is just beginning!!!
We have watched everything the library has to offer about Kenya, Eastern Africa, and Africa in general. God is doing a new thing and we are humbled and excited to follow him into whatever adventures he has in store for us!
more info to come...