Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Garden Update!

Let me start by saying that we have not been trying to neglect the family blog. We also have not stopped going on adventures. We did, however, forget to take our camera on our camping trip to Bandon,Oregon. This was such a disappointment when we realized what we had done! We did buy disposable cameras and handed them out to each of the kids. We got cd's of the pictures, so I will figure out how to post them soon. Also, Brian had a great time fishing in Alaska! I am trying to get him to blog about it, but he has been busy. We will get to those projects soon!
For now here are some pictures from our garden. This spider has been living in the top of our tomato plants all summer. We have been watching him, amazed, for at least a month now. It is the largest spider I have ever seen in my own yard, at least 2full inches. I am so glad he has chosen the top of the plant to spin his web and live, because I like knowing exactly where he is... before I reach in to grab tomatoes! Brian and the kids have fed it by catching insects to put in its web. What a daddy thing to do!!

This is just a cool picture of one of the many helpful insects in our garden!
Here is Isaac with our crop of red onions. This isn't all of them, because we have been raiding the garden to eat them!
This is the sifter Brian made earlier when we made the raised beds. It is now converted to a drying rack for the onions. The kids really love helping with all of this!
Soon we will post pictures of our new fall plantings. We have started lettuces, carrots, Swiss chard, broccoli, with more on the way!