Monday, January 22, 2007

The Keslers are blogging?

Well, I can hardly believe it myself, but we are blogging! My hope for this site is to share with family and friends what we are up to. I plan to include photos, as well, so those of you who are far away don't forget what we look like!! (I haven't figured this out yet so check back soon!) I also think it would be fun for the kids and Brian to enter some of the posts, that should provide a fresh perspective on what we are doing. So 2007 will bring us not only a new year, but new ways to connect with loved ones. I hope you will check back in again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great! You guys should have lots of fun putting your posts together. I have had a lot of fun figuring out html stuff. I look forward to keeping up with you guys.