Monday, January 22, 2007

Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley

During Christmas break we took the kids to our favorite museum, the Lawrence Hall of Science. It was a beautiful day, and the view was spectacular. Behind Brian and Isaac you can see Sausalito, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the San Francisco bay.
Camille had a great time too!
The theme of the current exhibit was Grossiology, which Aidan loved! It was about the disgusting aspects of the human body(burping, snot, gas, etc.). We figure God just has a great sense of humor!
Elise and Isaac had a great time climbing and playing.
When we finished at the museum we headed to the Berkeley Pier. It was beautiful out on the bay, and I am sorry now that we didn't take pictures. We did, however, have a great day!! What a fun adventure!

The Keslers are blogging?

Well, I can hardly believe it myself, but we are blogging! My hope for this site is to share with family and friends what we are up to. I plan to include photos, as well, so those of you who are far away don't forget what we look like!! (I haven't figured this out yet so check back soon!) I also think it would be fun for the kids and Brian to enter some of the posts, that should provide a fresh perspective on what we are doing. So 2007 will bring us not only a new year, but new ways to connect with loved ones. I hope you will check back in again!